The Skinny on Stress Balls - Stress is a part of everyone?s life. Jesus Is Our Fringe Benefit - "Speak to the children of Israel: Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners. Death in Dafur A Human Disaster - The killing in Dafur is nothing short of a human disaster says; Ted Chaiban, a Representative for UNICEF in Sudan. Stress Can Visualization Help - I am under stress right now. Are Your Childs Rights At School Violated - Most parents will agree that a good education is important. Stress and the Self - We are all made up of many layers - the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Bad Things Happen to People I Dont Like - There are people who have made me so mad, that I wish them bad luck . Solving Hot Relationship Issues - Differences of opinions will always be part of relationships. Economy of Thailand - One of the prosperous East Asian economies is the economy of Thailand. Mr President Its Not Because Of What We See On TV - He is really panicking.
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